Rye Community Primary School


Admissions Arrangements

For admissions to Rye Primary, please familiarise yourself with our arrangements.

Admissions Arrangements 2022-2023 

Admissions Arrangements 2023-2024

Admissions Arrangements 2024-2025

Admissions Arrangements 2025-2026

Applying to us

Further information about applying to Primary school can be found on East Sussex’s website: Applying for a school place

You can also apply to us directly. For help to complete the form, feel free to contact us.

Admission form


Before making an appeal, important information about the appeals process can be found below.

East Sussex County Council website

Rye Community Primary School Appeals Timetable for entry to school September 2024

In Year Admissions

Rye Community Primary opts into the Local Authority's co-ordinated in-year admissions scheme. It is important you contact us in the first instance to discuss any potential move. 

Parents may apply for in-year places via either ESCC or direct to the Admissions Officer at the academy.  Further details of the in-year process and the Application Form are available here for ESCC or from the academy (please email office@ryeprimary.co.uk). 

In the normal admissions round or at any point in the normal year of entry, if a place is available and there is no waiting list, the child will be admitted [except where the “twice excluded” rule applies]. 

For in-year applications received for all other year groups, if a place is available and there is no waiting list, the child will be admitted subject to the admission authority being able to refuse admission if it has good reason to believe that the child may display challenging behaviour and thus refer the child to the Fair Access Protocol.

Before applying, important information about In Year Admissions can be found on East Sussex’s website: Applying for a place during the school year

The Trust Board, as the Admission Authority, delegate the admission decision to the Academy’s Advisory Council (AAC). We aim to process requests within 10 school days.

Key Documents

Co-ordinated scheme of primary admissions 2023-24Co-ordinated scheme for in year admissions 2023-24

In year admission arrangements 2023-24